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New Study Reveals Divorce Statistics Even Higher Than Previously Reported

 Posted on April 19, 2014 in Divorce

divorce rate, baby boomer, marriage, divorce, generation, millennials , Geneva divorce lawyerA new study by the Minnesota Population Center reveals that for the past 30 years, marriage experts have been reading the wrong data when it comes to determining the increases and decreases of this country’s divorce rate. And this new information shows that the divorce rate is even higher than previously thought – especially among baby boomers.

Divorce numbers began rising in the 1970’s as many baby boomers got married and divorced. They’ve kept up that pattern over the past three decades. According to the lead researchers, Steve Ruggles and Sheela Kennedy, the increase has spiked dramatically. In an interview, Ruggles said, “There has been a threefold increase in the divorce rate of people aged between 60 and 65 since 1990. And for those older than 65, the increase is fivefold.”

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What You Need to Know About Prenuptial Agreements

 Posted on April 15, 2014 in Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

prenuptial agreement, prenup, marriage, divorce, Illinois divorce lawyer, Geneva divorce attorneyWhen it comes to prenuptial agreements, many people have a basic understanding of how they work. However, there are many details surrounding them that people may not be familiar with. One of the most commonly misunderstood details is how to approach the subject of prenuptial agreements with your fiancee.

If you wish to bring up the option of a prenup with your soon-to-be-spouse, make sure to do it as early as possible. As long as the two of you have been open and honest with each other throughout your relationship, the mention of a prenuptial agreement should not be too surprising.

Nancy Dunnan, a New York City financial advisor and author, suggests that couples discuss prenuptial agreements even before the engagement. “Let your intended know you believe these agreements are important and that you would like to go over the topic.”

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What Is Divorce Mediation?

 Posted on April 10, 2014 in Mediation

divorce mediation, alternative dispute resolution, divorce, Illinois divorce lawyer, divorce attorneyMany times during a divorce process, rather than enduring litigation, couples will turn to mediation in order to help resolve conflicts and work out a mutually beneficial divorce settlement. It is often said that the method by which conflicts are processed and resolved will end up having a large influence on a family’s adjustment to the divorce. In divorce mediation, spouses meet with a neutral third party (the mediator) and work through any issues that need to be resolved in order to end the marriage as amicably and cost effectively as possible.

What  does a mediator do that the two of you cannot accomplish alone?

A mediator’s role is to help you and your spouse clearly define any issues you may have, keep all lines of communication open, and to promote discussion and resolution. This does not mean that the mediator will make all of your decisions or you, but rather, he or she will assist in bringing the issues to the table and making it possible to effectively deal with them.

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What is Annulment and Who is Eligible?

 Posted on April 07, 2014 in Annulments

annulment, marriage, relationship, divorce, eligibility for annulment, Illinois divorce lawMany people have heard of the term “annulment” and understand that it somehow similar to getting a divorce, but different in some mysterious way. Under Illinois law, an annulment is referred to as a “declaration of invalidity of marriage”. Unlike a divorce, an annulment does not simply terminate a marriage; an annulment states that a marriage is not valid and completely dissolves it as if it never existed in the first place.

 Before you get excited, thinking an annulment is the answer to all of your problems, it is important to recognize that not everyone is eligible for an annulment. There are four reasons for getting an annulment here in Illinois. According to the Illinois General Assembly, those reasons are:

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What is Spousal Support and Why Does it Exist?

 Posted on April 03, 2014 in Divorce

spousal support, alimony, spousal maintenance, Illinois divorce lawyer, Geneva Illinois divorce attorneySometimes in marriage, one spouse remains at home with the kids while the other goes off to work every day. For one reason or another, one spouse has been out of the work force for so long that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to find a new job to live on. When this happens, that spouse can face many financial troubles if the couple gets divorced. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem: spousal support.

Spousal support, also known as spousal maintenance or alimony, refers to “payments or transfers of money or assets from one spouse to another after a divorce.” Spousal support is not always necessary, but it is needed when one spouse may face a decrease in his or her standard of living after divorce.

Not just anybody is eligible for spousal support. The courts must consider a variety of different factors when determining if a couple is eligible for maintenance, including, but not limited to, the following:

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Illinois Seeks to Protect Student Privacy

 Posted on March 31, 2014 in Family Law

student privacyThe Illinois legislature hopes to put parent’s mind at ease when it comes to their children’s digital privacy, while at the same time protecting parental rights with new changes to Illinois family law and criminal law.

The Privacy in the School Setting Act prevents any public elementary or secondary school district, and any higher learning institution from requiring or requesting that a student, prospective student, or parent/guardian turn over their social network password. To protect student privacy, the law also bans schools from accessing student email accounts without a parent or guardian’s permission. The law does provide an exception for cases when the school has reasonable cause to suspect that a student has violated school disciplinary rules or policies and has posted evidence of the violation on social media.

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Happy Wife, Happy Life: University of Chicago Study Begs to Differ

 Posted on March 27, 2014 in Divorce

happy wife, happy life, marriage, divorce, lawyer, attorney, Illinois, family lawyerA new research study released by the University of Chicago appears to have upset the proverbial marital apple cart as compiled data indicates that the husband is the key player in maintaining a happy marriage and avoiding divorce court.

The recent study, published to the Journal of Marriage and Family supports that husbands maintaining a positive outlook reported lower levels of conflict in the marriage while the wife's outlook on life had very little impact on the union. Wives reported increased conflict issues when their husband or partner is in poor health but data suggests that when the wife is experiencing health issues there is little to no change in the quality of the marriage.

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Step into Spring without Stepping on New Mom's Toes: Questions to Avoid Regarding Adoption

 Posted on March 24, 2014 in Adoption

adoption, adoption lawyer, Geneva family lawyer, Illinois adoption, lawyer, attorneyWinter has broken and Spring has sprung. It is so nice out that you decide to pack up your two year old and head to the neighborhood park. It seems as if everyone had the same idea. The park is packed and you recognize your neighbor Lindsay with a toddler within watchful reach. You vaguely remember that Lindsay and Jack were considering adoption last Fall and it appears that the adoption process went well.

 You would like to approach her so your toddlers can enjoy the sunshine together but a little trepidation of how to approach the situation is holding you back. Contemplating on how to initiate the conversation crosses your mind as Lindsay waves a hello in your direction.

As you stroll over, toddler in tow, you are still wondering how to bring up such a personal choice as adoption without appearing intrusive. Luckily for others, Parents Magazine recently published an article on adoption etiquette by Wesley C. Davidson from American Baby. Davidson suggests the following questions and remarks should not find their way into the conversation.

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Quick Tips to Improve & Reclaim Your Relationship

 Posted on March 20, 2014 in Divorce

reclaim your marriage, Kane County divorce attorney, Kane County mediation attorney, healthy marriage, The kids, the housework, the job, the bills, the never-ending schedule, the dog, the cat, the spouse.

Sometimes it can become, plain and simple, overwhelming. So much so that you have given a thought or two about resigning from your marriage. But then you remember your vows and retract your resignation. You pick up the pace to avoid becoming a member of the divorce club that still affects 40 to 50 percent of all Americans today.

You may take a personal inventory and ask yourself how you can change the daily routine and banish the rut you and your spouse have recently accepted as the norm. You decide to give it another shot and get your house in order. However, if that does not work, you can always contact an experienced divorce attorney to start reconfiguring the jigsaw puzzle that is your life.

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What Are the Types of Orders of Protection for Domestic Violence?

 Posted on March 18, 2014 in Domestic Violence

Geneva domestic violence attorneys, Orders of Protection, battered women, domestic violence, Illinois domestic violence lawyer Domestic violence is a large problem in our society today. According to Illinois State Police, a woman in the United States is beaten every 15 seconds. Victims of domestic abuse sometimes feel that there is no hope for their situations, but that is not the case. Fortunately, there are ways to end the destructive cycle of domestic violence, the most effective being an Order of Protection.

An Order of Protection is a legal order from a judge that contains ‘remedies” that order an abuser to take certain actions or prohibit an abuser from taking certain actions. If the abuser fails to follow the remedies, or carries out a prohibited act, he or she may be arrested.

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