Parentage / Paternity

Kane County paternity lawyer

Geneva, Paternity Lawyer – Kane County • DuPage County
Parentage Claims and Child Support Issues

At the The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates of Geneva, Illinois, we represent many unmarried parents who are seeking legal intervention with custody, visitation, and child support. Our firm represents mothers seeking court-ordered financial support and fathers seeking to establish paternity to assert parentage rights.

Doug Warlick has practiced as an attorney since 1981, and focuses exclusively on family law. Our firm represents parents throughout Kane County as well as Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage Counties, Illinois, as well as out-of-state clients who have a parentage claim in either county.

Establishing Parentage for Financial Support

In a typical case we might handle, the mother has custody of the child or children. She can seek a parentage decree that is similar to a divorce decree. This court-approved document spells out the father’s obligations to provide financial assistance relating to daycare, medical insurance coverage, uncovered medical, dental, or mental health care expenses, contributions to college tuition or other support.

If the father did not acknowledge parentage at birth, The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates can assist in obtaining a court order for DNA paternity testing to prove fatherhood and compel child support. Also, there are some cases when a biological parent seeks improper visitation. We have the legal acumen to pursue restricted visitation and supervised visitation when necessary.

Father’s Rights Representation

A father is entitled to reasonable and unrestricted visitation, and perhaps joint custody, of his own children. We represent men in filing parentage claims in Kane County as well as Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage Counties. If paternity testing is required to prove parentage, it can be ordered. We also ensure that our clients’ rights are protected in the parentage decree regarding the custody or visitation agreement and child support order.

Contact a Geneva paternity lawyer with over 30 years (since 1981) of legal experience and a strong knowledge of the judicial systems in Kane County as well as Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage Counties. We offer a discounted initial consultation, and look forward to helping you assert your rights.

Practice Areas


114 E. State Street, Geneva, IL 60134


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