Five Ways You May Be Hurting Your Family Law Case

 Posted on February 01, 2016 in Family Law

family law case, Geneva family law attorneyEveryone wants what is best for his or her children. But sometimes people end up damaging their children and hurting their own case when they are in a parental responsibilities (custody) or parenting time dispute without even realizing it. If you are engaging in any of these five behaviors, you need to reexamine your approach.

1. Talking About the Case in Front of Your Child

Any dispute you are having is with another adult. When you discuss the case and your feelings about it in front of your child, you risk making the child feel like they are in the middle of the battle. The child may feel like they have to pick a parent or a particular side. If a custody evaluator or judge sees you putting your child in the middle of the dispute, you could seriously hurt any chance at getting what you want in the case.

2. Refusing to be Flexible

Life is busy and hectic for everyone and everything will not always go according to plan. If you refuse to be flexible occasionally when something goes wrong, a court may not see you as taking a principled stand for following the rules. Judges will think you are putting your own ego above what is best for your child.

3. Regularly Being Late For Pick-ups and Drop-offs

While everyone should be willing to be somewhat flexible, if you are always late when it is time to pick-up or drop-off your child you will quickly exhaust any goodwill the other parent has. This behavior can also affect the way a custody evaluator sees your case.

4. Trying to Force the Other Parent to Obey Your Rules

Life would be best if both parents could always be unified in their parenting decisions. But, if you had they kind of unity chances are the two of you would still be together. People will parent differently. One parent may allow more sweets or allow a later bedtime. You will not be able to force the other parent to enforce all of your rules. The harder you try, the more resentment can build up and the harder things are on your child.

5. Being Disrespectful of the Other Parent’s Wishes

There is a balance between each parent having their own style and being disrespectful of the other parent’s wishes. If you know the other parent objects to a child getting a piercing, it may be best to respect that belief, even if you have the authority to allow the child to go through with it. Acting in defiance of the other parent’s strongly held beliefs, even when you are within your rights, may invite long, expensive court battles.

If you have questions about parenting time, allocation of parental responsibilities, or any other family law issue, you need to speak with a tough and skilled Illinois family law lawyer. Call today to setup your consultation. Make sure your rights are protected.


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