An Uncontested Divorce Can Help You Move on More Quickly

 Posted on November 09, 2016 in Divorce

Kane County divorce attorneyWhen you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, you may start receiving a great deal of unsolicited advice from friends and family members about how you should proceed. Some may be telling you to hire an aggressive lawyer and get everything you can from your spouse during the proceedings. Others could be suggesting that you should just sit back and see what your spouse is going to do before you make any decisions. Such advice is also available from countless websites and online resources, creating a virtual cacophony of conflicting information for you at a difficult time. Amidst the confusion, there is one divorce option that is often overlooked but that may provide an avenue for finalizing the process quickly and efficiently. It is called an uncontested divorce and, if you and your spouse can work together despite your differences, it may be ideal for your situation.

Uncontested Divorce Defined

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which the spouses can reach a negotiated agreement without requiring an extensive process of discovery and numerous court appearances. While a large percentage of divorce cases are eventually resolved with a brokered agreement rather than a court-issued judgment, many are still contentious and difficult along the way. An uncontested divorce is different in that it starts with a basic agreement between the spouses on the major issues. Then, the smaller details are worked out and the final settlement is presented to the court for approval, all without the need for multiple filings, motions, and hearings.

Trust and Communication

In order for an uncontested divorce to work for your situation, you and your spouse must be willing to work together toward a common goal. You must be able to trust one another to be open and forthcoming about money, property, and debts. Additionally, you must be able to communicate and discuss your ideas and needs amicably without anger and hostility.

It is important to keep in mind that an uncontested divorce is more likely to be possible for couples in relatively simple situations. If you own multiple businesses or pieces of real estate, have complex investments, or your child has special needs requiring specific types of care, it may be more difficult for you and your spouse to reach an amicable agreement.

Contact a Skilled Lawyer

An uncontested divorce can be the right choice for many couples but nobody should go through the divorce process without qualified legal counsel. Contact an experienced divorce attorney in Geneva to learn more about your options. Call 630-232-9700 to schedule a confidential consultation at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates today.



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