To Tweet or Not to Tweet? How Twitter Can Damage Relationships

 Posted on June 10, 2014 in Divorce

communication and divorce, damage relationships, Geneva family law attorney, infidelity, social media, social media and relationships, social media reliance, The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates, TwitterThe University of Missouri recently published research results on how Twitter and social media can be hazardous to the health of our personal relationships. And while social networks have revolutionized how we build and maintain our relationships, researcher Russell Clayton, a doctoral student at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, claims that active Twitter users are more likely to experience conflict in the romance department.

According to an article recapping Clayton's findings published by the MU News, Clayton's research indicates that active Twitter users may find themselves outside the door looking in, as excessive Twitter use can lead to emotional and/or physical cheating or even divorce.

The study entitled, “The Third Wheel: The Impact of Twitter Use on Relationship Infidelity and Divorce” was recently published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. In fact, this recent study on Twitter and its hazards of the romantic type was in follow-up to Clayton's previous study on Facebook and how spending too much face-time on the social site can also lead to cheating and divorce.

For the Twitter study, Clayton polled over 580 Twitter users from all demographic backgrounds and age ranges. By asking participants certain questions regarding their Twitter usage Clayton found that more than often a study participant openly admitted that his or her Twitter usage was found to have an increase in partner conflict often leading to undesirable outcomes such as infidelity or even divorce.

Another comparison regarding his research between Facebook and Twitter, Clayton was surprised that Facebook couples in a relationship of 36 months or less experienced an increase in conflict. However, the Twitter couples experienced the same level of relationship conflicts regardless of the duration of their attachment.

With any disruption in a relationship, a broad spectrum of variables can come into play. But Clayton concludes that excessive reliance on social media as a means of communication can damage relationships.

In conclusion, Clayton suggests that perhaps limiting networking site usage or by establishing a joint networking site to facilitate interpersonal communication between partners could ease the level of social media induced conflicted among couples. This may also keep them from eventually seeking an experienced divorce attorney in their area.

We can all admit that the advancement of social media has changed how we as a society communicate. For couples it can lead to heartache and frustration if the other committed partner goes astray as a result of communication outside of the relationship.

With that said, several factors can damage relationships, including online flirtatious liaisons, distrust, financial problems, or abuse. The experienced legal team at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates can help direct you through the process when filing for or considering divorce.

We will work with you to achieve the best possible results as we serve as your legal advocate and are open to all communication. Contact us at 630-232-9700 to schedule your personalized consultation today.

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