Step into Spring without Stepping on New Mom's Toes: Questions to Avoid Regarding Adoption

 Posted on March 24, 2014 in Adoption

adoption, adoption lawyer, Geneva family lawyer, Illinois adoption, lawyer, attorneyWinter has broken and Spring has sprung. It is so nice out that you decide to pack up your two year old and head to the neighborhood park. It seems as if everyone had the same idea. The park is packed and you recognize your neighbor Lindsay with a toddler within watchful reach. You vaguely remember that Lindsay and Jack were considering adoption last Fall and it appears that the adoption process went well.

 You would like to approach her so your toddlers can enjoy the sunshine together but a little trepidation of how to approach the situation is holding you back. Contemplating on how to initiate the conversation crosses your mind as Lindsay waves a hello in your direction.

As you stroll over, toddler in tow, you are still wondering how to bring up such a personal choice as adoption without appearing intrusive. Luckily for others, Parents Magazine recently published an article on adoption etiquette by Wesley C. Davidson from American Baby. Davidson suggests the following questions and remarks should not find their way into the conversation.

 You and Jack are so wonderful to have considered adoption to have a child!

 It must be just like having one of your very own!

 How could anyone give up such a beautiful child!

 Do you know who the birth parents are?

 Do you have details about the birth mother's background?

 Do you know why the birth mother decided to put the baby up for adoption?

 How much does the adoption process cost?

 Now that you and Jack have adopted, you will probably become pregnant!

 If that happens, how are you going to explain why your kids look totally different?

 What if the child later decides to search for his birth parents?

Chances are Lindsay has probably already fielded these questions from other friends and acquaintances, maybe even close family members and would much rather prefer that everyone just enjoy the sunshine as her toddler plays the day away.

For couples considering adoption in Kane, Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage counties, The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates has the answers to all your questions. Since 1981, attorney Warlick has been representing clients in all aspects of family law and will meet with you personally to address your questions as you prepare to move forward with the adoption process. For your free consultation with attorney Warlick, contact us today at 630-232-9700.

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