Who Snoops More - Men or Women?

 Posted on November 07, 2013 in Divorce

 In a recent study conducted in the United Kingdom, almost twice as many men than women admitted to sneaking through their partner’s cell phone to see what they had been up to.

The study was done by the cell phone company Mobile Phone Checker. They asked 2,081 adults, all who are currently in relationships, if they had ever snooped through their significant other’s phone. More than half of the men surveyed – 62 percent – admitted they had. Only 34 percent of the women asked admitted to snooping through call records and text messages.

Almost ninety percent of all those who participated said their reason for snooping was the suspicion their partner was cheating on them or communicating with someone else in an inappropriate way. And almost half of those who did snoop had their suspicions confirmed – the evidence of cheating on their partner’s cell phone. More than fifty percent of respondents had access to their partner’s passcodes.

More women than men were likely to confront their partner with what they found – 59 percent of women to 37 percent of men.

Ironically, thirty-one percent they would end the relationship if they discovered their partner was snooping through their phone and 36 percent they would never leave their cell phone accessible to a search by their partner.

A spouse guarding their cell phone is on the list of signs that divorce experts say could mean they’re cheating. Other signs include hiding monthly bills, suggesting separate vacations, and avoiding sex.

This survey is a reminder of how cell phones, which leave an ‘electronic trail’ of your activities, can affect the direction that a divorce and/or custody proceedings can go. If you’ve discovered your spouse is cheating, contact an experienced Geneva family law attorney to find out what your options are.

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