Illinois Woman Faces Child Neglect Charges

 Posted on June 12, 2013 in Child Custody and Support

A woman faces two counts of class D felony charges of child neglect. She reportedly went to meet a man that she met on the internet but he never showed. While she waited, her 3-year-old daughter was found crossing a busy road alone. It was later discovered that her 1-year-old son was left unattended in the car secured in his car seat with the windows closed and car door unlocked.

Pam Kane County child custody lawyerA witness driving by spotted the little girl in the road, and pulled over. He took the little girl to a nearby convenience store. A little while later, it was reported that the mother came out of the restaurant, where the meeting was to take place, looking for her daughter. The witness walked the little girl across the busy road again to return the little girl to her mother.

There were several 911 calls about the incident. In an attempt to prevent the woman from leaving the scene, one caller went to her car and there he noticed the 1-year-old son in the car with the windows closed. When he pulled the child from the car he was confronted by the mother, whom witnesses say attacked the man.

The women reportedly told the police that she went inside to charge her cell phone and to make a phone call. She left the children in the car. It is unclear how the little girl got into the road. Child Protective Services took the children and the woman was taken to the Vanderburgh County Jail. The woman is at risk of losing custody of her children and could face jail time if she is found guilty of child neglect.

With so much at risk, the woman and any other Illinois resident facing similar charges should contact an experienced Illinois family law attorney. Your parental rights are at risk, and a Kane county child custody lawyer will work to maintain your rights.


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