Facing the New Year on Your Own: Redefining Resolutions Post Divorce

 Posted on January 05, 2015 in Family Law

2015. effects of divorce, family law issues, Geneva divorce attorney, new years resolutions, resolutions post divorceVoluntarily executing a celebratory resolution dates back more than 4,000 years. Beginning with ancient Babylonian society and expanding throughout the Roman empire, these affirmations were tied directly to harvest celebrations or political affiliations. It was not until 1740 that the practice of making a New Year’s resolution became ingrained into western civilization.

The father of the modern-day resolution, John Wesley, initiated the Methodist Covenant Renewal Service during the holiday season as an alternative to holiday festivities and to personally renew one’s religious covenant. As these resolutions evolved into a secular tradition, most Americans now equate New Year resolutions with voluntary personal improvement pledges. The U.S. Government even pays homage to the most popular of resolutions such as losing weight, quitting smoking, eating healthier, or better managing debt or stress. But what if the New Year brings forth non-voluntary changes such as divorce?

Nancy Kay, a Strategic Guidance and Support professional, knows first hand of the challenges of new beginnings and offers the following three suggestions for crafting a personalized resolution advantageous to meeting the challenges of beginning a New Year on your own.

Evolving Expectations

Refrain from placing unrealistic expectations on yourself or your children. View this as a year of change and transition to keep frustration and stress levels low.

Timely Transition

During this transition, seek out all available options and resources to support the change both emotionally and financially, if applicable.

Reflective Resolutions

Focus on your life as a whole by pulling all the integral pieces together. Revisit your children, family and friends, and spend less time focusing on your marital status.

The Huffington Post also offers a few general resolutions that will compliment Kay’s advice for making and keeping effective New Years resolutions during a difficult time:

  • Schedule adequate sleep;
  • Eat healthier;
  • Make time for exercise;
  • Limit television time;
  • Stop stressing over the children;
  • Steer clear of rude or intrusive family members; and
  • Focus on the present and avoid dwelling on the past.

Perhaps by adopting a few of these suggested resolutions, you can face the coming New Year as a newly single parent with minimal frustration and with even more confidence.

If your New Year’s resolution is to resolve your marital problems through divorce, Geneva divorce attorney, Douglas B. Warlick would like to help. With over 30 years experience in family law, Attorney Warlick will work diligently to ensure your legal rights are protected and a fair settlement is reached. Contact The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates at 630-232-9700 to resolve your family law issues today.

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