Thinking About Moving after Your Divorce?

 Posted on November 23, 2015 in Parental Relocation

moving, relocation, Geneva divorce lawyerEven if the process of divorce is relatively smooth, the impact to your life and your future can be very challenging. You probably realize, of course, that you have made the right decision, but that does not really make day-to-day living a whole lot easier. Part of your reason divorce, if you are like most people, was the opportunity for a fresh start. For some, this may mean moving to a new city and creating an entirely new life for themselves. If you are considering such move, there are number of things you should consider before leaving town.

Be Wary of Long-Term Commitments

Just as relationship experts recommend caution about jumping into a serious, long-term dating relationship immediately after divorce, the same should be said about living arrangements. In the weeks and months following the end your marriage, your judgment is not likely to be as sound as maybe it should be, so spending a lot of money to buy a new home, or making commitments to rent a condo in a new city may not be the best idea. Such decisions should be made only after careful consideration planning. Now is not the time to be acting on a whim.

Stay Close

While you may have a strong desire for privacy and a town full of people who do not know you well after your divorce, it is not a good idea to completely abandon your existing support structure. If you are thinking about moving closer to your family, that would be one thing, but striking out on your own, far from friends and loved ones will probably get very lonely, very quickly.

Think About the Kids

Needless to say, if you have children, the decision to move to a new city becomes even more complicated. You will need to not only consider the legal and parental ramifications of a relocation, but also the effects that a move may have on your kids. Changing schools, making new friends, and living in a strange town may be too much, considering they may still be feeling like they just lost a parent. They are likely experiencing a wide range of emotions as it is, and adding the stress of moving and starting over may not be what is best.

If you are considering a divorce or have already begun the process and need assistance, contact an experienced Geneva family law attorney today. We can help you understand your options and the possible effects of moving too quickly after your divorce is complete Call 630-232-9700 to schedule a confidential consultation.



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