Knowing the Signs of Domestic Abuse

 Posted on March 16, 2023 in Domestic Violence

geneva domestic violence lawyerAbuse is defined under 750 Illinois Compiled Statute (ILCS) § 60/103(1), as physical abuse, harassment, intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal liberty, or willful deprivation. Although many people think that domestic violence or abuse only involves physical harm, other non-physical harms are also classified as abuse under Illinois law. 

Domestic violence is not limited to married couples as it is always possible that an unmarried couple could also be dealing with domestic violence. The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates represents individuals who are both the victims of domestic violence as well as alleged offenders in these cases, and we have more than three decades of experience handling these types of cases.

Common Kinds of Domestic Violence

Some of the most common signs of domestic violence can include:

  • Physical Aggression — The Illinois Attorney General specifically states that any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member breaks the state domestic violence law.
  • Possessive Behavior — Some people could become very possessive as the result of jealousy and may attempt to isolate their romantic partner from certain friends or activities.
  • Limiting Access to Funds — Financial abuse can be another kind of domestic violence when an abusive party restricts their partner’s access to funds.
  • Abusive Language — Verbal abuse such as name-calling, insults, or threats can be domestic violence.
  • Guilting or Manipulating Tactics — An abusive partner could exert power over another person through certain manipulative tactics.

Illinois affords a number of protections for victims of domestic violence that include orders of protection that will make it illegal for an abusive partner to contact a person directly or indirectly. Incidents involving physical assault and battery can often lead to criminal charges, but additional legal remedies could relate to custody of children. 

Abusive partners in domestic violence cases often share some common characteristics, such as denying the existence of or minimizing the seriousness of violence, objectifying victims, or externalizing the causes of their behavior by blaming their violence on stress, a partner's behavior, bad days, or alcohol, drugs, or other factors. It is important to understand that domestic violence can occur in any relationship, including same-sex relationships. Both men and women can be victims or perpetrators of domestic violence. 

Contact a Kane County Divorce Lawyer

Does you divorce in Kane County involve domestic violence? You will want to contact our Geneva divorce attorneys at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates so you can recieve legal guidance about the appropriate steps to take. 

Our firm understands the tremendous personal stress that people are dealing with in these cases and we will work closely with you so you can have the legal representation you need and deserve. Call 630-232-9700 or contact us online to receive a confidential consultation. 


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