Three Mistakes to Avoid When Considering Divorce

 Posted on November 29, 2013 in Divorce

illinois-divorce-mistakesFiling for divorce can be an emotionally and mentally draining experience. The act of filing for divorce can bring up a lot of turbulent emotions in both parties. Especially contentious divorces have the added stress of placing a financial drain on the two parties as well. If you are considering filing for divorce in Illinois, avoiding these mistakes can help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Mistake #1 – Viewing your spouse as the enemy.

Even if you are filing for divorce now, you once loved each other enough to vow to spend your lives together. Try to keep that in mind throughout the process when things are getting emotional and intense. If the two of you have children together, you will likely still have to be able to communicate on a regular basis, and it is best to remain civil.

Mistake #2 – Losing sight of family.

When a divorce is particularly difficult or emotional, it can be easy to lose sight of what is important. If there are children involved, you will no doubt want to sit your children down and explain what is happening. This is a good idea; however it is important to remember to remain respectful.

Custody battles can be emotionally difficult not only for you and your spouse, but for the children as well. Remember that your spouse is still your child’s parent as well, and resist the urge to speak badly of them.

Mistake #3 – Thinking you can go it alone.

When you are emotionally close to a situation, it can be difficult to think clearly and consider all of the different options that are available to you. If you are considering filing for divorce, or if your spouse has already filed, contact an Illinois family law attorney to help you. They can help ensure that your interests are fairly represented, and help you understand how to proceed within the law.

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