Is Divorce Mediation Right for my Divorce?

 Posted on September 23, 2013 in Mediation

LauraIf you are contemplating divorce and weary of the lengthy and costly litigation process, you do have other options. Divorce mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution, is one such alternative that can help you close out your divorce quickly and smoothly. Moving on with your life and managing the emotional consequences of divorce is typically easier when divorce mediation can successfully resolve the situation.

Mediation puts you in control, since parties work together with mediators and other experts to discuss relevant issues. You play a bigger role in determining what life will look like post-divorce, and this appeals to many couples who may agree on some of the issues surrounding the divorce. If you and your spouse are still able to communicate relatively well, and if you have already come to agreements on child custody and other major issues, like division of property, you may be a great candidate for divorce mediation. Even if you and your spouse are able to come to agreement on some issues, but not others, you can make the most of mediation by targeting those challenging topics with the assistance of a mediator.

Likewise, if you do not trust your spouse or feel that there is a serious imbalance of power in the relationship, your case might not be right for divorce mediation. In these scenarios, you should meet with an experienced family law attorney to discuss your case and the best possible way to proceed. Hiring an experienced mediator is critical. One way to determine an eligible candidate is to see whether that lawyer has obtained mediator certification, which is special training in how to effectively use mediation. This shows a commitment to the field and advanced skills, which is ultimately the ideal situation for your case. Contact a certified Illinois family law mediator today for an initial consultation.

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