Illinois Couples: Trial Separation or Divorce?

 Posted on November 14, 2013 in Divorce

illinois-divorce-trial-separationAn article in the publication the Daily Mail recently asked, “Do trial separations work?”  Many couples who are experiencing troubles in their marriage opt for a separation to see if they can work through the issues. The hoped-for goal for some couples is to work through the issues and repair the marriage. For other couples, the time apart from their spouse helps them to decide if divorce is really the choice they want. However, many legal experts say that filing for divorce is the most common result of trial separations.

There are a variety of reasons that spouses decide to separate. Frequently, major life events can trigger a separation. A birth of a child is a major life changer for many couples.  If one spouse becomes the primary caretaker, resentments can build up on both sides. The spouse who is staying home may begin to resent giving up their career; the spouse who is out working may resent being the pressure of being the primary breadwinner.

The empty-nest syndrome can also play a role in couples wondering if their marriage is over. With children now gone, couples may look at each other and wonder what, if anything, they actually have in common.

Addictions play another large role in separations. Alcohol, substance abuse and gambling are just some examples of addictions that can make a spouse decide it’s best to separate from the addicted spouse. A trial separation can give the addicted spouse time to get help.

And just like in a divorce, there are still legal and financial matters that will need to be worked out in a trial separation. Instead of one household, there will now be two households set up. Custody and support of the children need to be decided. There are also monthly bills and other that will have to be divided up.

Whether you are considering a divorce or trial separation, you should contact a knowledgeable Geneva divorce lawyer to make sure that no matter what the outcome of your marriage, you are legally protected.

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