How Can I Get Divorced During COVID-19 in Illinois?
Posted on August 06, 2020 in Divorce

Although the coronavirus health crisis has impacted day-to-day living, everything is moving forward in the family law court system. In Illinois, non-essential businesses such as restaurants and shopping malls were closed temporarily but not the judiciary. While many changes have been implemented, the courts have remained open to the public. In light of the stress of being quarantined at home or the loss of income, COVID-19 has placed an enormous strain on relationships, leading many couples to consider filing for divorce. Therefore, if you are wondering if you can obtain a divorce at this time, the answer is absolutely yes.
Virtual Meeting Options
In order to protect the safety of their clients, many law firms are offering digital services to meet their clients’ legal needs. In the practice area of divorce and family law, this may include consultations with couples over the phone or by video chat. For those firms such as The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates. that offer mediation as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR), spouses may speak with their third-party mediator through various electronic means. This may include video conferencing apps such as Zoom, Go-to Meetings, or FaceTime. However, at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates, we also continue to offer face-to-face meetings and personal mediation services, including Collaborative Law.
Indeed, spouses, attorneys, and mediators can utilize those digital tools to communicate and collaborate on issues such as spousal maintenance, asset and property division, child support, and more, as well as parenting responsibilities like parenting decision-making and parenting time, but we have ascertained that most people prefer the face-to-face discussions, meetings, and negotiations. Again, we do not want to persuade you if you prefer to use digital communication methodologies, and we do our best to ensure your privacy when doing so. In fact, the majority of these programs allow you to share your screen with each other to even enable you to review your divorce settlement documents. Since the pandemic began, so many people have been using electronic means of communication for work or school that it has become simple to even sign documents electronically. Many video conferencing platforms have enhanced and improved their security measures to avoid data breaches of sensitive information. Remember to use secure log-ins and perhaps new passwords during any divorce proceedings that are performed virtually in order to protect your privacy.
Virtual Court
Among the most impressive changes in the court system, at least in Kane County and the surrounding Counties, is the use of Zoom to attend court. Yes, you can attend family courts via zoom or watch them on Youtube. The process has been slowly implemented, but now even contested hearings, including evidentiary hearings, can be done via Zoom. Furthermore, if you feel uncomfortable with remote attendance in court, we offer our clients the opportunity to come to our office for these “Zoom Court” hearings to get the personal interaction they would receive as if they were standing next to Mr. Warlick in the courtroom.
Contact a Kane County Divorce Attorney
Every family law matter, except adoption, including juvenile court matters, domestic violence, or custody and divorce, under any set of circumstances is draining and emotionally daunting. However, we can assist you so that the stress of the pandemic does not make it worse. Moreover, with the acceptance of Zoom Court to attend both optional and mandatory court dates, I would maintain that the court process has become less stressful for the average litigant. The coronavirus has impacted many aspects of life, but the legal system has finally adapted so that a family law matter can be handled effectively and now expeditiously. With Mr. Warlick’s nearly 40 years of experience, both as a persuasive trial attorney and as a master negotiator, all types of divorce and family law matters, even the most contentious ones, can be properly handled by The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates with compassion and competence. We understand the challenges you are facing during these difficult times and we are here in Geneva, IL to serve you. We thoroughly explain your options and protect your rights. Please call us today at 630-232-9700 to schedule your private consultation.