Divorce Rate Similar for Both Heterosexual and Same-Sex Marriages

 Posted on December 01, 2014 in Family Law

divorce rate, Geneva family law attorney, heterosexual marriages, same-sex marriages, same-sex divorce, same-sex divorce rateAccording to the results of a recent study, couples in same-sex marriages have the same rate of breaking up as do couples in heterosexual marriages. The study, titled “Couple Longevity in the Era of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States,” was published in the October 2014 issue of Journal of Marriage and Family.

Researchers analyzed information gathered from consecutive surveys which had been developed for the “How Couples Meet and Stay Together (HCMST)” study. The HCMST study was conducted from 2009 to 2012 and involved 4,000 American adults. There were 3,009 participants who had a spouse or significant partner. Approximately 470 of those couples were same-sex partners.

The HCMST included participants who had significant partners (such as civil unions or domestic partnerships) because at the time of the survey, very few states had approved same-sex marriages. Yet the goal of the study was to include all couples, not just heterosexual.

Using the results of the HCMST surveys, the new study concluded that “same-sex couples and heterosexual couples have statistically indistinguishable rates of [marriage] breakup.” The study also found that for couples who were in same-sex marriages, whether or not the union was legally recognized, had the same rate of stability in their unions.

The study also found that married couples, whether heterosexual or gay, had a higher rate of staying together than couples who were not married.

The study’s author, Michael Rosenfeld, who is a sociology professor at Stanford University, wrote in conclusion that, "Across all types of couples, couple stability appears to be primarily a function of the couple's own history ... relationship longevity, and their marital commitment.”

If you have decided to divorce your spouse, there are several issues that may need negotiated, including child custody, asset division and spousal support. Contact an experienced Geneva family law attorney to discuss your options and needs.

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