Four Ways to Make Your Divorce Faster and Easier

 Posted on September 21, 2018 in Divorce

Kane County divorce lawyersOnce you have made the decision to end your marriage, there is no point in delaying or dragging out the proceedings. Divorce is rarely easy but the legal process itself does not need to take countless months as you and your spouse place your lives on hold. In many cases, you may be able obtain a finalized divorce judgment in a little as just a few weeks, but doing so requires a bit of effort on your part and cooperation from your spouse.

#1: Develop a Plan of Attack

The easiest way to eliminate delays in divorce is to negotiate as much of your settlement as you possibly can. You and your spouse may not agree on everything, so start with the simplest topics. For example, if you have little concern about certain pieces of property, agree on those and then build on the cooperative momentum. Eventually, you will get to more difficult subjects, but, by that point, you will have likely established a level of commitment to completing the process amicably.

#2: Choose Your Battles

If you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement before filing for divorce, you can still help move the proceedings along by controlling yourself and your need to “win” on all fronts. By picking a fight—or engaging when your spouse picks one—on every concern, you will never make real progress toward a resolution. Decide what is truly important to—your children, for example—and focus your energy on that particular area while letting less significant things go.

#3: Be Present and Prompt

When you are required to appear in court, whether to complete the divorce process or for a hearing on a certain aspect of your case, show up on time, and be fully prepared to address the matter at hand. Punctuality shows respect for the court and for your spouse, often allowing for a much smoother proceeding. Of course, skipping a court appearance could end the process even faster, but would likely result in a default judgment against you.

#4: Work with an Attorney

While many may think that a divorce lawyer is only necessary if you plan to fight through divorce proceedings in contentious courtroom litigation. The reality is, however, that an attorney can actually help you avoid such drama and bitterness by handling many of the details for you. When you have a lawyer on your side, you have access to responsible legal advice, as well as the assistance you need in filing appropriate paperwork and documentation. Your lawyer can also catch possible mistakes well in advance, preventing them from delaying the process more than necessary.

To learn more about pursuing an efficient, cost-effective divorce, contact an experienced Kane County divorce attorney. At the The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates, we are committed to helping you move on with your life quickly and avoid getting bogged down by a never-ending divorce. Call 630-232-9700 to schedule your confidential consultation today.



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