Fear of Being Alone Linked to Divorce Avoidance

 Posted on March 18, 2017 in Divorce

Kane County divorce attorneysAre you comfortable when you are by yourself? Whether or not you are currently married or in a long-term relationship, could you see yourself being single for an extended period of time? If you answered no, you are far from alone—no pun intended. In fact, recent surveys suggest that approximately one-third of all American adults are afraid of being by themselves. About 35 percent of men and 40 percent of women report fear and reservations about being alone. Unfortunately, the fear of being alone may encourage couples to eschew divorce and stay together even when they are unhappy.

FOMO Is Real

Relationship experts believe that the fear of being alone is very closely related to the fear of missing out—or FOMO, a term that was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. It is possible—and even reasonable—that this fear of missing out could have as much to do with biology as social pressures. “We were biologically and evolutionarily created to find the right partner to reproduce,” said Sahaj Kohli, a mental health advocate and editor for The Huffington Post. With this reasoning, if a marriage goes sour, it can make an individual feel as if he or she has biologically failed; hence, the hesitance to admit “failure” and file for divorce. However, staying in a bad relationship can be more emotionally, financially, and socially detrimental than a divorce itself.

Staying or Going?

The fear of being alone can also be a double-edged sword. Staying in a bad relationship due to fear can cause “emotional paralysis” that can continue to degrade the relationship over time. Fear, therefore, not only makes divorce seem overwhelming and inaccessible but it also prevents partners from choosing to work on their relationship, seeing it as essentially doomed.

In the event that divorce becomes inevitable, the fear that accompanies the prospect of being alone can also prevent some people from laying the necessary groundwork. Failure to consider financial repercussions of divorce—because the act itself seems unmanageable—can leave people woefully unprepared for a life without their spouse. Individuals who have their finances organized tend to have a much easier time with divorce than those who are not.

Feeling Paralyzed By Fear?

If you or someone you know is considering divorce but is unsure how to proceed because of fear, anxiety, finances, or any other reason, we can help. Contact an experienced Kane County divorce attorney to discuss your situation and to get the guidance you need. Call 630-232-9700 for a confidential consultation at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates today.





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