Domestic Violence Increases on Super Bowl Sunday?

 Posted on February 14, 2013 in Family Law

There’s a long-standing myth that domestic violence rates increase on Super Bowl Sunday, but according to a recent US News and World Report article, this is just an urban legend. According to Cindy Southworth, vice president of development and innovation at the National Network to End Domestic Violence “the Super Bowl does not cause domestic violence, and it doesn’t increase domestic violence, but it does increase the public’s awareness of the issue, which will help victims learn about help and resources.” The only perceivable football link is when high-profile players are accused (justly or not) of abusing or killing their partners, as with the Kansas City Chief’s Jovan Belcher who in December killed his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

In addition to the Super Bowl buzz, there’s also been increased media attention to the issue because of the reintroduction of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the Senate. Last year the bill was blocked by House Republicans, “who balked at expanded assistance for gays and lesbians, Native Americans, and undocumented immigrants,” according to US News and World ReportAccording to the White House, the VAWA, when originally passed in 1994, both improved the criminal justice response to violence against women and ensured that victims and their families have access to the services they need. The White House reports that between 1993 and 2010, “the rate of intimate partner violence declined 67 percent.”

Domestic violence is a common reason for divorce, and one that rarely is contested in court. If you or someone you know is considering divorce because of domestic abuse, or any other reason, the most important first step is to contact an experienced family law attorney immediately. Don’t go through it alone. Contact a dedicated Illinois divorce attorney today.

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