Divorce Parties make for Big Business

 Posted on October 28, 2012 in Business Valuation

According to party planners, a divorce is not a cause to be down anymore. As a matter of fact, some planners are reporting that their businesses have tripled in recent years due to the popularity of divorce parties, not only in Illinois, but all over the country. It may seem like an awkward trend, but the numbers don’t lie. There are party planning businesses all over the country that are reporting upwards trends in these types of parties.

These parties are reported to get a little raucous with Champagne flowing, unique decorations such as voodoo dolls and even divorce cakes. These parties can range in price and are usually take place after the divorce proceedings have ended and a settlement has been reached. Some planners report that lump sum settlements often fund these parties. The parties often take place in nightclubs, dance halls and are arranged in VIP sections of establishments and often are accompanied with limo rides.

Some people may opine that these parties are in poor taste and indulgent while others see it as a way to bring closure to what may have been a bad relationship. Many divorces do not end amicably and may even be drawn out in court. Having a party can be a way to put an exclamation point on a closing chapter and a fun way to move on.

Going through a divorce can be painful and confusing at the same time. It is important to not only have an emotional support system of friends and family, but you may also benefit from the support of an Illinois divorce attorney. If there are children, property or finances involved, it can complicate matters even more. The divorce process can become quite complex based on assets, child support and alimony demands. Do not go through this process without the proper legal representation.

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