Divorce and Holidays: What Is Best for Your Children

 Posted on December 22, 2012 in Child Custody and Support

Divorce can be an ordeal, especially during the holidays. Matters may get even more complicated if you have biological children and/or stepchildren. Fortunately, a recent article in the Chicago Tribune mentions several tips and strategies for navigating the holidays after a recent divorce.

  • Ask your children what is important to them about the holiday and take their opinions into account when planning the holiday. Even simple things can be important, for example, where the kids like to sit at the table or how they like their vegetables. Traditions matter and sometimes your children may not even be aware of traditions until they are changed.

  • Remember that your grown-up children may have been celebrating the same way for decades. That changes, however, when parents get a divorce. It may take your children a while to adjust to the new ways.

  • When your children suggest what they would like to do during the holidays, do not get defensive and listen to their ideas.  After all, the holidays are just as important–or probably even more important–to your children.

  • The best way to navigate visits successfully is to check with others well in advance. If you run into your ex, act like and adult and do not get in a fight over petty matters.

  • If you have stepchildren, this is a good time to make a connection with them. Buy your stepchild a thoughtful present that they are sure to remember.

If you are planning to file for divorce, it is important to get assistance from a skilled divorce lawyer. Please contact an experienced divorce attorney in Geneva, Illinois at your earliest convenience.

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