Couples Who Clean Together, Stay Together

 Posted on June 05, 2014 in Divorce

couples, daily household chores, Geneva family law attorney, household duties, husbands and chores, Illinois family law, marriage trends, share household chores, sharing responsibilityA new study published by the University of Illinois confirms that couples who equally share responsibility for the household chores have a better chance of staying together and avoiding divorce court.

The study, recently conducted with over 220 couples participating, concluded that wives who choose to equally divide the daily household chores are significantly happier, especially when their husbands are totally agreeable. If the husband falls behind in his duties or flat out refuses to cooperate, the wives' happiness sharply plummets. Hence the saying, “a happy wife, a happy life!”

There is a catch though, states the research team. This formula of marital bliss with regard to household chores is only effective if the wife is willing to hand over a fair share of the daily duties.

The study concluded that wives not ready to sign onto the household chore duo theory are quite content in performing the household duties solo. For this minority, if hubby decides to pitch in fine, but also according to research results, the completion of household chores and who is responsible for which area literally has no effect on marital bliss for the husbands.

Lead researcher, Brian Ogolsky, Ph.D, assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of Illinois also reveals that it is important to determine your strategy before the honeymoon phase winds down, usually within the first two years. Ogolsky and his team further conclude in correlation of a recent study by the Pew Research Center suggesting that husbands be responsible for the “manly” chores.

Perhaps viewed as a bit sexist, but a man who contributes in this capacity often achieves a higher level of sexual frequency. The Pew research also indicates that the wives often pick up the slack by giving an additional six hours of weekly housework and three additional hours for childcare.

At The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates, we understand the importance of establishing marital guidelines to avoid the pitfalls of marital breakdown. We understand the marital discord of not being on the same page as your spouse and how this can often lead to one spouse concluding they are ready to rectify the situation through a divorce.

If you have reached that decision and would like to discuss your situation personally with attorney Warlick, contact our Illinois family law offices today at 630-232-9700. With over 30 years of experience, we have proudly served families in Kane, Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage counties and have the experience to resolve even the most complicated of legal matters.

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