What to Consider When Moving Children Away from Co-Parent

 Posted on August 22, 2014 in Parental Relocation

children and divorce, Geneva County family law attorney, moving children away, parenting plan, relocate children, relocation, children of divorceThere are several reasons why, after a divorce, people make the decision to move away. If you experienced divorce and are originally from another state, maybe you decided to move back home where your extended family lives. Maybe you received a better job offer, or are re-marrying someone who lives in another state. Whatever the reason, if you have children with your ex-spouse, moving away could be a lot more complicated than just packing up the moving van.

If your ex-spouse is against you taking the children and moving away, you will have to file a moving away motion, which could be expensive. This is also a process that is typically long and drawn out. Judges are not quick to make a decision and these cases can sometimes take years to decide, especially if the other parent is fighting the move.

There are key factors to should consider before making the decision to relocate your children to another area, away from their other parent. These are also issues that a court will look at when making the decision on whether or not you will be allowed to move your children away from their other parent.

First, it is important to determine if the move is really in your children’s best interest. How will your children feel about being far away from their other parent? There is also the question of how moving away from their familiar support system will affect them. How will your children feel about leaving not only the other parent, but leaving family, friends, and childcare providers as well?

Next,  you should have a concrete plan in place when considering moving away. Research the school system where you are moving to and the school your children will attend. Is it equal or better than the system they are in now? What kind of support system will you have at this new destination? Will there be people available who can help you with childcare or other issues should they come up?

Finally, make sure you try to communicate with the other parent the details of your move. It could go a long way in working out a solution instead of a court battle. See if you can work out a new parenting plan with visiting and communication schedules.

Moving children away from a co-parent is a difficult decision to make. If the issue of moving the children has come up with your ex-spouse and you anticipate a court fight, contact an experienced Geneva County family law attorney today to discuss your options.

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