Considering Collaborative Divorce for the Sake of the Children

 Posted on January 26, 2015 in Collaborative Law

collaborative divorce, Geneva divorce attorney, divorcing couple, collaborative law, children and divorce, divorce agreementWhen children are involved, a divorce does not just mean the dissolution of a marriage. It also means life changes for an entire family. A divorcing couple may take the position to proceed as civilly as possible. Even if two people decide not to remain married, they most likely still want to do what is best for their children. Collaborative divorce is a more amicable option and is an alternative for those who wish to avoid court when legally ending their marriage.

The process of collaborative divorce requires an agreement with promises of good faith from each party moving forward and an honest disclosure of all paperwork and relevant information needed for a resolution that is beneficial to everyone.

Divorce is commonly associated with feelings of anger, hurt, and resentment, but certain situations allow for collaborative law as an option because both parties choose to set those aside in the interest of saving time and money, as well as preserving their family.

A collaborative divorce happens with a team in place including attorneys, financial advisors, and child specialists. Each person is crucial to the result of a successful outcome. They all help to create a settlement that is agreed upon by both parties and plans for co-parenting in the future. With this decision, a plan is personally customized for both parties involved. Each have say in the terms and each come to a compromised agreement in the end.

A Chicago Tribune article reporting a shift towards collaborative divorce includes suggestions for people who are considering the option. These suggestions include the following:

  • Do not speak poorly of each other;
  • Take responsibility for mistakes; and
  • Avoid settling disagreements through texting or email.

Collaborative divorce is not an option suitable for everyone. It can be hard to handle such an emotionally-driven matter civilly and without argument; but, if both parties are committed to seeking a resolution as quickly and effectively as possible, it can be helpful in order to move forward.

Our law firm has the training and skills necessary to proceed with a collaborative divorce at the request of a client. A case evaluation allows us to determine if you and your situation provides a good likelihood for success. If you are considering a divorce in Illinois, contact an experienced Geneva divorce attorney today to discuss all your legal options.

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