Put Your Children First This Holiday Season

 Posted on November 21, 2016 in Family Law

Kane County family law attorneysIt is hard to believe that we have reached mid-November already. Just a few short weeks ago, it seems, we were turning the calendar over to 2016 and now the year is nearly over. As the leaves fall to the ground and suggestions of snow creep into the weather forecasts, there is a silver lining. The winter holiday season is fast approaching, beginning with Thanksgiving this week and continuing through New Year’s Day well into January. For divorced, separated, or unmarried parents, the winter holidays can certainly be a fun, rewarding experience, but they can also become very stressful without the proper planning.

Communicate and Compromise

When you and your child’s other parent share parenting time around the holidays, it is very important to be patient and flexible with one another. Family get-togethers often unexpectedly run long and traffic can be unpredictable. Make plans in advance regarding who will be responsible for pickups and drop-offs, but be gracious and courteous when things do not go exactly as you planned.

If your child was supposed to be dropped off at your house at 3:00, and the other parent does not show up until 4:00, do your best to let it go—especially if it is uncharacteristic of him or her to be late. By remaining positive and cooperative, you can help protect yourself and your child from unnecessary stress and worry.

Set a Good Example

For many families, holiday celebrations may include the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and, for some, the temptation to overconsume becomes too great. When your child is in attendance with you at such an event, it is important for you to put your child’s needs first. Show your child that you can enjoy the holidays while drinking in moderation. If you will be driving, do not drink. Drinking and driving with your child in the car is obviously very dangerous, but could also lead to implications that you have a problem with alcohol that is endangering your child. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, such implications could present challenges to your continued parenting time with your child.

Stay Positive

No matter how you choose to celebrate the holidays, do not allow the season to be marked with negativity, contentiousness, or anger. Focus on the things that make you and your child happy, and spend quality time with loved ones. It is in these times that your child can feel truly loved and appreciated, even in the midst of a difficult situation.

If you would like to discuss holiday parenting arrangements or any other aspect of a parenting plan, contact an experienced Geneva family law attorney. Call 630-232-9700 for a confidential consultation at The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates today.




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