Adoption in Illinois
Posted on September 11, 2013 in Adoption
As more women enter the workplace, more couples are putting off having children until their late thirties, and human bodies have not biologically caught up. Both men and women are in their prime for having children in their twenties and early thirties, but more often couples are having children well into their forties, or at least trying to do so.

For those couples that are unfortunately not able to have children when they want to, there are many alternatives, including surrogacy and adoption.
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) reported that in the last 10 years, over 17,000 children were adopted in Illinois. Some people do not like the idea of adoption because the child is not biologically theirs, but to each child, a parent is the one who cares for and loves him or her.
Children in Illinois that are currently waiting to be adopted range in age and background, and many have a sibling waiting to be adopted into a loving home as well. Many children waiting for adoptive parents have foster homes to live in while they wait, but foster families are not the same as adoptive families, as they are not permanent.
Other concerns for parents include adopting a child with a dangerous background, or unknown medical concerns that could be costly. In these situations, the DCFS does its best to assist the adoptive parents and smoothly transition both the adoptive parents and the adopted child into their new life together.
If you live in Illinois and you are considering adoption, whether you cannot conceive a child on your own or you simply wish to help these children into better homes, contact a family law attorney. With an office in Geneva, Ill., The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates can help you to expand your family and take you through the adoption process smoothly today.