6 Essential Topics for Co-Parenting a Teenager

 Posted on January 31, 2013 in Divorce

When raising kids, it is important to think about the long term, like when they will be teenagers.  Unfortunately, if you are going through a divorce, you may have to think about this milestone earlier than you thought.  It is important to set up a co-parenting agreement that reflects how you want your children being raised when you are not around.  For teenagers, there are six major concerns which should be covered in the agreement.

1. Driving.  If you can provide a car to your children, it is important to allow them to use it at either parent’s house.  Don’t make the vehicle exclusive to one parent’s home to keep a child from seeing their other parent.

2.  Employment.  It is important to agree about whether you will want your teenager to have a job.  Especially as a way to pay for car insurance, get work experience and have allowance for going out with friends.

3.  Higher Education.  Going to college or joining the military is a huge responsibility,  It is important to know what your ex thinks about these kinds of decisions which have far-reaching consequences.

4. Body Alterations.  As children make the transition to becoming teenagers, they are more aware of their appearance.  Sometimes, that means that they will want tattoos, piercings and other things which should be covered in a co-parenting agreement.

5. Household Chores.  Each parent must think about chores, routines and curfews.  If there is difference between the expectations, it is important to have a reason behind it.

6. Sexuality and Substance Abuse.  For these rules, there should not be any difference between the households.  It is especially important that the punishments will remain the same regardless of where the child is living at the time.

Parenting a teen is not easy as new experiences, emotions and hormones are encountered.  Yet, by having a complete co-parenting agreement will make it easier to know that your child is brought up with the right values.  Contact an experienced family law attorney in Geneva to discuss other aspects of your divorce today especially how collaborative law can be easier on the entire family.

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